Tesla expects more information on the Model X next month

As deliveries start, Tesla Model X owners are left in the dark, and some people who ordered a year ago still don't know when they'll get their car.

Tesla is expected to provide additional clarification on Model X delivery timetables next month, according to Electric car.

Tesla paused manufacturing of the Model X for nearly eight months as it redesigned both the Model S and Model X projects and priority Model S manufacture.

However, once the redesigned Model X was introduced in January 2021, the carmaker continued to take orders for the new Palladium model over those eight months. 

As a result of the backlog, Tesla has pushed back scheduled deliveries for new orders placed now until September of next year.

Many Model X customers have contacted out to us, frustrated that they still don't know when they will receive their new vehicles, despite Tesla starting deliveries of the new Model X last weekend.

Before Tesla introduced the Palladium Model X, several of them placed orders about a year ago.

Now, Electric car has received some Tesla employee correspondence that might assist Model X purchasers comprehend the manufacturing and delivery ramp-up better.

To start with, Tesla claims that deliveries are now limited to the Bay Area, but that this will change soon:

Model X Long Range deliveries have started in the Bay Area and will expand to all of North America in the coming weeks.

Tesla said it will only create the Model X six-seat variant for the "first few months." Customers who bought five or seven seats will have to wait. They can ask to have their orders modified to a six-seater, and they can use the original cost from the time of order with "director clearance," according to the company.

They will not, however, guarantee a faster delivery time in either case.

Tesla expects more information on the Model X next month
 Tesla tweeted that they intend to give Model X buyers delivery windows soon:

We will continue to update Tesla Account so that they can track the progress of their vehicle delivery." At this moment, all Model X Palladium clients in Tesla Accounts are seeing either no timing or Q1 or later. We anticipate to change timing in client accounts in early to mid Q4 2021 to be more specific (i.e. date ranges such as "January XX to January XX instead of just "January")

In a separate message, the company stated that those delivery windows for Model X customers should begin appearing in November.

As a result, the manufacturer should be able to provide more clarity to Model X purchasers next month, who have been mostly in the dark for the past year.

Tesla warns that the Model X software isn't finished yet, and that some features may be missing in early deliveries:

"Please note that these cars may not have all software features that are currently available to non Model X cars at first deliveries."

Finally, Tesla ordered workers to recommend month-to-month lease extensions to Tesla customers who were about to end their leases and were considering purchasing a Model X.